Our expert teams can provide consultation & related services that ensure your company can meet energy industry standards. We can both ensure projects meet compliance standards as well as help integrate emergency planning to protect your people on the ground. Behr teams have experience in drilling, well testing, H2S release assessments & CEPA calculations.
Be Prepared. We Can Help.
H2S Release Assessments & CEPA Calculations
Behr is an H2S release assessment industry leader and has participated with the committees responsible for establishing guidelines for preparing release rate assessments. Behr prepares release rate calculations for sour well and pipeline systems with the capability to use either volumetric calculations or ERCBH2S modeling. Behr also prepares hazard-related emergency planning zone calculations associated with Environmental Emergency (E2) Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).
Release Rate Calculations
Volumetric or ERCBH2S Modeling
Emergency planning zone calculations
We offer a full range of engineering services related to drilling, completion and well testing processes including the preparation of the associated regulatory applications. All operations are designed with the interests of the client in mind and with stringent safety and environmental standards.
Shallow, sweet-gas wells
Conventional oil wells
Heavy oil wells
Deep, high-pressure wells
Sour and critical sour wells
Salt cavern wells
Conventional gas storage wells
Water injection and water disposal wells
Tight gas and unconventional gas wells